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Clasina's Portrait

Hi, I'm Clasina Van Velzen-Stup, and I'm the one who makes all this stuff. I love to create, so when I look at materials (whether it's fine silk or a crushed cell phone) I see possibilities. Colors, shapes, images; they call to me to turn them into something new and lovely. Though sometimes I make things because I simply can't find that perfect dress/lamp/necklace in any store!

From a young age, I have learned to make and repair things, taught by creative and handy parents. Studies in both engineering and art have deepened my appreciation for the functional as well as the eye-catching. I enjoy combining my diverse skills in a wide range of creations that have one thing in common: beauty.

I hope my art brings you joy. Contact me if you are interested in one of the pieces on this site or if you would like me to make something unique for you.
